Antique malls near Texas

Ironside Antiques Mall
Ironside Antiques Mall

Sun: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Open Now)

10211 Ironside Dr, San Antonio, Texas, 78230

210-694-0134 Booths: 50 ID: 410

Forest Wood Antique Mall Dallas, TX
Forestwood Antique Mall

Sun: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Open Now)

5333 Forest Lane, Dallas, Texas, 75244

972-661-0001 Booths: 200 ID: 261

Uncommon Objects Austin, Texas
Uncommon Objects

Sun: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Open Now)

1602 Fortview Rd, Austin, Texas, 78704

512-442-4000 Booths: 24 ID: 255

Austin Antique Mall  Austin, TX
Permanently Closed
Austin Antique Mall

Hours not available for Sun

8822 McCann Rd., Austin, Texas, 78757

(512) 459-5900 Booths: 1 ID: 254

Montgomery Street Antique Mall Fort Worth, TX
Montgomery Street Antique Mall

Sun: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Open Now)

2601 Montgomery St, Fort Worth, Texas, 76107

817-735-9685 Booths: 1 ID: 249

Lucky Charms Antique Mall Galveston, Texas
Lucky Charms Antique Mall

Sun: 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM (Open Now)

6012 Broadway Avenue J, Galveston, Texas, 77551

409-419-8837 Booths: 20+ ID: 376

Chick N Tree Antiques Abilene
Permanently Closed

Sun: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Open Now)

2544 Barrow St, Abilene, Texas, 79605

25-692-2422 Booths: 30 ID: 368

Antiquibles Mall & Dog Museum Waco Texas
Permanently Closed
Antiquibles Mall & Dog Museum

Hours not available for Sun

94300 I-35 N , Waco, Texas, 76715

(254) 829-0120 Booths: 1 ID: 359

 Almeda Antique Mall Houston, TX
Permanently Closed
Almeda Antique Mall

Hours not available for Sun

9827 Almeda Genoa Rd , Houston, Texas, 77075

(713) 941-7744 Booths: 20 ID: 283

High Street Antiques & Design
High Street Antiques & Design

Sun: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Open Now)

800 Central Expy, Plano, Texas, 75074

972-509-7878 Booths: 300 ID: 362

Laurent Street Antique Mall Victoria, Texas
Laurent Street Antique Mall

Sun: Closed

1602 N Laurent St # D , Victoria, Texas, 77901

(361) 578-0813 Booths: 30 ID: 430

Craftiques Mall - Bandera Road San Antonio, Texas
Craftiques Mall & Garden Tea Lounge

Sun: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Open Now)

6751 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, Texas, 78238

210-541-9960 Booths: 300+ ID: 412

The Market Place Antiques and Collectibles
The Market Place Antiques and Collectibles

Sun: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Open Now)

10940 Katy Fwy, Houston, Texas, 77043

713-464-8023 Booths: 200 ID: 289

Allen Antique Mall
Permanently Closed
Allen Antique Mall

Hours not available for Sun

104 N Greenville Ave, Allen, Texas, 75002

214-383-9304 Booths: 100+ ID: 404

The Mercantile in Fort Worth, TX
The Mercantile

Sun: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Open Now)

7200 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort worth, Texas, 76116

(817) 377-0910 Booths: 150 ID: 275

Elgin Antique Mall Austin, Texas
Permanently Closed
Elgin Antique Mall Austin, Tx

Sun: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Open Now)

195 Hwy 290 E , Austin, Texas, 78621

(512) 281-5655 Booths: 1 ID: 253

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Antique Malls near Texas

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